Granville Ferry/Annapolis Royal, NS

17 July 2007

Summer treated us to a third day in a row. However, it had to tease us with a foggy, cool start. Our plan for today was to go down Digby Neck and take the ferry to Long Island and another ferry to Brier Island, where we might go whale watching.

By the time we left the campground, the fog had lifted in this area. However, as we got on Digby Neck, the fog was still hanging around the low lying areas. Digby Neck is a long skinny peninsula that has a hilly ridge line at its center. The highway to East Ferry, where we would pick up the first ferry to Long Island, runs along the ridge line. From the ridge line we could see the fog banks still lying along the coast. When we got to the ferry terminal at East Ferry, we could not see across the water to Long Island, a five minute trip by the ferry. As the ferry pulled in, I could hear it but could not see it until it was almost at the slip. When the ferry left the slip, we could not see either shore… an eerie feeling.

By this time we concluded that the whale watching trip was not a good idea. How can you see a whale when you can’t see the water? We continued on to Freeport where we would have picked up the boat to Brier Island. As we crested the ridge leading to the ferry terminal all we could see is a thick fog bank. We never bothered to go down the rest of the way to the ferry and turned back.

Digby was our next “port of call.” It is a nice town located on a beautiful bay. Digby calls itself the scallop capital of the world. It is the home port for the largest scallop fleet in North America. “When in Digby do as the Digbyans do,” buy some scallops to bring back to the trailer for dinner. We went down the main street along the waterfront expecting to find a number of merchants selling seafood. No such luck! We wound up buying some scallops from the  store operated by a large seafood processor. On the way out of town we stopped in a large supermarket and found that we probably could have gotten the scallops cheaper. I guess you pay a premium for seafood right off the boat.

When we got back to the campground, Susie busied herself with laundry and some housekeeping (trailerkeeping?). I went to Port Royal Habitation, a faithful recreation of a trading post built in 1605. It is the original French settlement in the Annapolis Basin. After it was destroyed by Virginians in 1613, the post was moved to a more defensible location about six miles upriver, the location of the present Annapolis Royal.

The ferry, Petite Princess. Off the bow, all you see is fog.
The view northeast from just below the ferry landing at Tiverton on Long Island. The hills in the background are on Digby Neck and the fog totally obscure the channel between the island and the mainland.
Digby Harbor
Annapolis Royal as seen from Granville Ferry. Fort Ann is on the right. Click on image to open in a new page and enlarge.
On our way to Digby from Long Island, we came across this picturesque town, Sandy Cove. It looked like most of the fishing boats were tied up at the dock. A single boat was coming into the harbor out of the fog.

Port Royal Habitation

Exterior View
Gun Platform
Interior Views
Kitchen. A bakery was located next door.
Dining Area
View from gun port of the Annapolis Basin
This cabinet was located in one of the "Gentlemen" rooms. It looked like a medicine chest in that it had various herbs. The jars at the top are labled in French but I did recognize one that I knew as an old medication, Laudanum.
Dormitory. The "Gentlemen" residents had much better quarters.
Construction detail. Tools and methods of the time were used in the reconstruction of the Habitation.
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